Hi, my name is Erin and I am a senior at Southeast Missouri State University. For one of my classes my friend Sara and I are making a food blog and cookbook. When we told our teacher, who I will refer to as
Dreshfield throughout this blog, that we would like to make this blog we did not really know what we were getting ourselves into. We did not know which way to go with this blog and were thinking of a million ideas. We knew we wanted to make recipes and write posts about them, and eventually make a cookbook through the University press.
Dreshfield wanted us to focus on local markets and stores to get the majority of our products. We have a new market in our town called Jones Heritage Farm, they "are a family-owned farm using old fashioned farming methods to produce the tastiest and healthiest food you can buy. Their old fashioned methods eschew modern industrial agricultural practices such as animal confinement, the feeding of animal byproducts and the use of antibiotics and growth hormones because they are more concerned about healthy, happy animals and great tasting food than maximizing production. All of their animals are raised outdoors and fed an all natural diet of grass and grain. The end result is better tasting food that is better for you and for the environment." What better place than this to get all of our goods. They have graciously allowed us to do this blog and write about their products(which are great!!). They have a variety of meats, vegetables, dairy products, and specialty condiments. You can also go out and eat breakfast, lunch or dinner there and try our their delicious food!
Their location is:
5739 State Highway W
Jackson, MO 63755
Their hours of operation are:
Monday- Thursday 10am-6pm
Fridays 10am-9pm
Saturdays from 7am-9pm
Their dining hours are:
Breakfast: Saturday 7am-noon
Lunch: Monday-Friday 11am-2pm
Dinner: Friday and Saturday 4-9pm
I am going to do more of the posting on the blog, and Sara is going to be taking all the recipes we make and put them into a cookbook that will eventually be printed and sold out at the farm! We are going to do a variety of recipes from each category of meat and vegetables, and there will also a few fun post along the way with pictures of the farm and their food from when I went out and enjoyed it myself! Please follow us on this journey of cooking and blogging as seniors in college! Wish us luck!